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When E.A. Poe left this world his work was far from finished. Undoubtedly one of if not the greatest of writers of  the 19th Century, Poe was to fulfill his destiny and desires in another even more celebrated literary figure in reincarnation. Up until the late 20th Century no one could have gathered enough evidence to substantiate the irrefutable connection between who Poe was, had been and who he returned to earth as.  Now that has been accomplished with this work.  Those who love and have loved his poetry and stories will be gratified to know that he eclipsed his dreams and got

paid handsomely as well.

Review from Kenneth E. Silverman - Pulitzer Prize Winning Biographer

I enjoyed very much your lively quotes about reincarnation from Wordsworth, London, Patton, etc. They make an effective opening... But, sorry to say they also point to a problem for me. I have never read anything about L. Ron Hubbard, and know nothing at all about his work and his life. I’m on surer ground in reading about Franklin and Poe, and found very enlightening the lines you draw between them: their work for magazines and newspapers; their mutual insistence on avoiding mere ornamentation; their swimming (!);  their contempt for plagiarism; their mutual habitation of Boston, New York, and Philadelphiat [sic]; their joint opposition to slavery; the popularity they achieved as American writers. Hadn’t thought of benevolence in Poe, but you are surely right in speaking of his devotion to his family, and also in asserting his difference from Franklin due to his traumatic childhood I’m less sure about the claim that Poe revered England, and was like Franklin well versed in contemporary scientific thought--or that there was some musical connection between them.

Thanks, by the way, for your thumbs-up mention of my biography. Wishing you best of luck with the monograph and the book,

Regards, Kenneth E. Silverman (Pulitzer Prize Author: Mournful and Never Ending Remembrance-Prize Winning Biographer)



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