Why don’t people put their attention on the sky more often? The reason is that there’s nothing going on usually in that area unless there’s a low-flying plane or squawking bird or a fireball in the sky or rocket taking off. That tells us that the attention that we have is almost always directed at some type of motion. Very, very few people will spend a lot of time gazing at even the most beautiful photograph or painting. It’s not as interesting because it’s not motion and this is probably the reason why most people don’t put their attention on the spirit, it has no motion of its own but does create motion and is fascinated by what it creates. This is not a sermon merely some observations and this is why it’s good to stop occasionally and reflect for a while on what one is doing and what life around one is doing.* The world did not come into existence by a bunch of random chemicals billions of years ago or did it. What’s your take?
*We focus our attention more than ever now on motorists in the U.S. getting further training driver training so that we can gradually pull out of the steep (shit should I say) that we have gotten ourselves into through complacency and dearth of real attention to the matter. https://vgpublishing .org/blog/attention